Nurse’s Tricks – Richard Prince at Gagosian


Just as we hypothesized, the Gagosian gallery is living up to its reputation, bringing interesting, relevant contemporary art to Hong Kong on a consistent basis. With ARTHK 11 taking place this week, there’s a flurry of openings around town. Of the many exhibitions to choose from, the Richard Prince show, titled Nurse’s Tricks, should be on your itinerary.

Those of you fortunate enough to have attended the Louis Vuitton art exhibition in 2009, were able to see a few pieces of Richard Prince’s work. Now he’s back with a full show at the Gagosian Gallery that includes a broader range of pieces.


Richard Prince – Nurse’s Tricks
open to the public from Wednesday, May 25th, 2011
Gagosian Gallery
7/F, Pedder Building
12 Pedder Street
Central, Hong Kong


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