Yoshitaka Amano Exhibit

The large, four panel painting that caught my attention

I stumbled upon an excellent exhibition last week. I was walking around Sheung Wan, the sleepy neighborhood just bordering Central, when I saw what looked like a huge eye through the window of the Art Statements gallery. I was standing there looking at it, when my friend Min came over and mentioned that this was the artist that created G-Force – a Japanese Anime cartoon that was extremely popular when I was a kid.

I really loved his artwork back then. The animation style was very distinct, much different from the typical American Saturday morning cartoon style. Something about the eyes of the characters always appealed to me. It’s interesting that it’s still as powerful as ever in these works.

The eye

We went in and had a look at the exhibition that included several large multi-panel works in addition to smaller pieces done in ink on paper. Click on the image below to see a bigger version.

Smaller panels featuring ink on paper

Probably one of the good guys!

Angry look!

The Yoshitaka Amano exhibit

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