Synaesthesia: An Evening of Sound and Vision

bodw business of design week

TONIGHT, Wednesday, December 12th, there will be a party to kick off the Business of Design Week at the Hong Kong Convention Center. The event coincides with a series of workshops by some heavy hitters of the design world.

The official name of the function is: The Detour Party, Synaesthesia: An Evening of Sound and Vision. It begins at 10:30 pm and goes until late. Performing artists supposedly include a mixture of local and international talents: Eugene Pao, D.J. Giedrius, Ted Lo, Jennifer Palor, Teddy Lo and Jin tha M.C..

The party is free, but registration is required. RSVP to Jane Yeung at 3586-3012.

Jin will also be performing at Pi on Friday night. You can get more information on that event by calling: 9471-1035.

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