Adidas Originals / Diesel Denim party

adidas hong kong hk store causeway bay

adidas hong kong hk store causeway bay

Wednesday night was the launch of the Adidas Originals / Diesel Denim collaboration. The event was held on Kingston Street in Causeway Bay in both the Diesel and Adidas stores which are adjacent to one another. With a live performance by 24 Herbs and a set by DJ Becareful (aka Sam Lee,) the party got off to a good start. The two large shops had been emptied out for the night’s party. Just how crowded was it inside?


[photopress:Adidas_Diesel_party_Hong_K.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Adidas_Diesel_jeans_Hong_Ko.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Diesel_Adidas_jeans_denim_H.jpg,full,pp_image]

24 Herbs went on first, followed by DJ Becareful.

[photopress:24_Herbs_Hip_Hop_Hong_Kong.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Conroy_24_Herbs_Hong_Kong.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:DJ_Becareful_Sam_Lee_Hong_H.jpg,full,pp_image]

Maneuvering through the store was difficult. The performances took place on the top floor of the Adidas shop. Later, guests migrated back over to the Diesel store which also got stand-still crowded.


In addition to the drinks, the shop also offered popcorn and my favorite, cotton-candy!

Adidas and Diesel launched an advertising campaign for the denim line titled “83 Original Ways to Successfully Waste Your Time.” In Hong Kong, Daniel Wu, Lisa S., Sam Lee, and 24 Herbs among others were photographed by famed photographer Wing Shya in different time-wasting scenarios. All of the above were at the party on Wednesday night. Here are a few samples of the ads.

[photopress:Diesel_Adidas_jeans_Lisa_S.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Daniel_Wu_Adidas_Diesel_HK.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:Sam_Lee_Diesel_Adidas_Hong.jpg,full,pp_image]

Inside the Adidas shop was a small three-striped pool table – has Racks spawned a new trend?


The party spilled out onto the street.


In the main window of the Diesel shop they had models participating in a pillow fight!



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