Gucci goes Manga?

gucci store hong kong hk addres hirohiko araki manga
Original artwork by Hirohiko Araki debuts at Gucci stores worldwide

Passing by the Gucci store on Queens Road two weeks ago, something caught my eye. In place of the refined windows that usually greet passersby was instead a series of bright, colorful, larger-than-life characters practically leaping out from behind the glass.

Doing a little research I found out the scoop. For their 2013 Cruise Collection, Gucci’s creative director, Frida Giannini enlisted Japanese manga artist Hirohiko Araki to create an original comic and utilize the story as panels to occupy window displays throughout Gucci stores worldwide.

The story centers around a character who inherits an heirloom Gucci item and goes on a quest to discover its origins. The bright color schemes and hand-painted quality of the illustrations make for a dramatic contrast to the typically subdued window displays of the brand. Passing by in a taxi I immediately noticed the artwork and went back for a closer look.

Some of the characters are wearing pieces inspired by the collection, while authentic items from the 2013 Cruise Collection such as bags and shoes sit nearby in the windows.

gucci store hk china hong kong cruise collection 2013

The displays are a fresh look for the brand, and manage to be both enticing and effective!

For a good reference to Hirohiko Araki’s style of illustration go here.

You can catch Hirohiko Araki window displays at the following locations:

The Landmark
15 Queens Road Central
Central, Hong Kong

gucci store the landmark central hong kong hk china
Gucci store, The Landmark, Queens Road Central

Harbour City
7 Canton Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon

gucci store canton road hong kong china hk shop
Gucci store, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui

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