Lane Crawford modernizes Times Square (finally!)

times square shopping mall causeway bay hong kong lane crawford hk
A flock of mannequins greet visitors to the first floor
lane crawford times square causeway bay hong kong hk fashion shop
A stained glass window at the top of the atrium? Who knew?

For years, as Lane Crawford blossomed into an international fashion powerhouse, the Times Square location remained a throwback to the old days of the department store.

As the Pacific Place, IFC, and then Canton Road branches came to represent the identity and image of the store, the Times Square location of Lane Crawford lagged far behind.

Finally, it looks like that’s coming to an end.

Over the last few weeks, Lane Crawford has been subtlely renovating the Causeway Bay location in stages. The new look is much more modern and follows the lead of their flagship locations.

times square shopping mall causeway bay hong kong lane crawford hk
A flock of mannequins greet visitors to the first floor

In addition to better lighting, the place is easier to browse, and doesn’t direct you on a circular path as the old layout did. Importantly, this allows the shopper to roam freely and potentially discover new items without knowing specifically which brand they are stopping in front of.

At the moment, several stand-alone sections still remain towards the periphery of the floor, but a majority of the retail space has been renovated and opened up.

lane crawford hong kong fashion mens clothing time square causeway bay
The mens section has improved with a wider area of selections

Within a few weeks the Times Square location should match the ultra contemporary feel that we’ve come to associate with and expect from Lane Crawford.

Note to the L.C. gang – it would be great if you sprinkled in a few art installations as well.

Lane Crawford Times Square
Ground floor, and first floor, Times Square Shopping Center
1 Matheson Street
Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

lane crawford times square location causeway bay hk hong kong
The mens shoes and accessories section has been improved with a roomier feel

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