I Love Cake!



Last week while walking through Yau Ma Tei, I discovered I Love Cake, a new shop that’s sort of like a mad scientist’s laboratory for baking!

Located in the middle of Shanghai Street’s restaurant supply area, it’s filled with interesting cake-making tools, accessories, and embellishments.

Browsing the shelves you can spot cake-molds of all shapes and sizes. A good part of one wall is filled with patterned cookie cutters and a large selection of edible toppings.


For those of you into making your own cupcakes, the place features dozens of different cupcake wrappers to choose from. Refrigerators in the back stock additional ingredients such as fresh cream and butter to get everything you need all in one shop. (Don’t even get me started! Usually cooking something in Hong Kong requires trips to three different grocery stores!)

The selection at I Love Cake is enticing to the point where it makes you want to bake something. In case you have the enthusiasm, but not the skills, I Love Cake has created videos that explain different recipes (in Cantonese.)

If you’re up for trying to make a birthday cake for a friend, this seems like the ideal place to visit!

I Love Cake
G/F, 338 Shanghai Street,
Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon

Open daily from 10am to 8pm
852 2671-2671

To get there by MTR, take exit B2 from the Yau Ma Tei MTR station


  • Hi Lillian,

    The prices are good! Not too expensive, and the selection is better than other places around town. You can find other other baking utensils at stores in the area, if you’d like to compare prices.

  • hi can i know do you have a website that i can see what you are selling because i am going in september …

  • Yes I love this shop – I am from Australian and when I am in Hong Kong on Business – I always visit this shop – just love it. I can get stuff here better than in Australia – as I make very decorative cakes I am always on look out for good cutters and cake stuff – just love it

  • I recently bought two digital scales from I Love Cake in Wan Chai in Sept 2011 while visiting HK and upon bringing them back home to my own country found that at least one of the scales was malfunctioning – I now have to check the other scale. In fact, I changed the batteries twice to make sure it wasn’t a weak battery that was the problem but the the screen was still flashing strangely if even lit up at all. I decided to call up I Love Cake to let them know what was happening and see if they were able to offer some solution or explain. I certainly was not prepared for their response.

    Now, the scale they sold me is a no-brand model and granted, it wasn’t very expensive compared to other branded models, and I knew this so it isn’t that big a deal that it doesn’t work properly but seriously, it was the way the lady at I Love Cake handled my phone call that made me feel like that they are not a company open to an adult-level of discussion about any issues regarding their products.

    The lady who answered my call did not want to listen to my side of the story and insisted I was at fault here by saying I must have dropped it or something. In fact, she just spoke increasingly loudly, angrily and even hysterically at times down the line; refusing to budge on her conviction that I must have done something to the scale. My partner was standing about a metre away from me as I made the call and even she could hear the lady’s protests.

    The I Love Cake lady wasn’t even remotely interested in the possibility that her scale was faulty or poor quality to begin with – I mean, these manufacturing errors happen with digital products all the time all around the world. She kept saying that all scales are the same – it must be my handling of the scale that caused its malfunctioning. Anyhow, contrary to what the lady kept insisting very loudly, I did not drop or bump the scale at all. It’s rude of her to assume that and insist upon something that I didn’t do. In fact, it was in my carry-on bag and I took extra care to wrap it in clothes and set it carefully because it was also partially made of glass.

    Anyway, I am from abroad and do not actually expect an exchange or refund. In fact, it’s rather inconvenient for me to bring it back at all and the flight/ shipping would cost me much more but I just wanted to speak to a voice of reason and see what they had to say about this situation. I think it’s my right as a consumer to voice my experience of a problem with a product and it is the responsibility of a good business to explain with good reason.

    Anyway, I feel bad enough for buying a scale/s that doesn’t work properly but the lady that works there certainly made me feel worse. She was very unprofessional.

    Now I know how it works. Let the buyer beware. I shall write off this product and this company as a bad purchasing experience but this episode has certainly left a bad taste in my mouth when it comes to shopping in Hong Kong. Despite being taken aback by the attitude of this business, I have been to Hong Kong on many occasions and found many of the locals to be extremely polite and helpful so I don’t want to lose faith in other good businesses across the board because of this.

    Forgive me for my rant. I feel frustrated and disappointed to be met with customer service like this. No amount of sugar or sweetness can rectify how I feel about this company any longer.

    Needless to say, I don’t think I could stomach another visit to this shop again after such a poor reception to my matter and it was such a shame because we love baking shops but have never had to deal with such stubborn and rude service at one anywhere in the world before.

    You know, part of running a successful shop is related to how well you deal with customer issues and problems and the response of a company to these matters is a good reflection of your business’ grace or lack thereof. Sure, you may have a No Returns Policy but you don’t have to be so rude about it.

    I Love Cake really let me down this time. They may love cake but in my case, they sure didn’t show me they love their customers.

    That said, the young man who served us was a nice and amiable gentleman and we had a nice time choosing items in the Wan Chai shop but the whole business was let down because of this lady’s poor response to my issue.

    Sorry about posting this rant. This was based on my own personal experience with the lady at I Love Cake and should not have any bearing on how anyone else might feel about their shopping experience there.

  • Wow! You really wrote a book!

    Listen, I empathize with you regarding buying something that doesn’t work and not being able to exchange it. But, in case you’re not aware – you can’t expect much from Hong Kong salespeople!

    First of all there’s the language issue – you’re lucky the lady even spoke English. Secondly, salespeople in Hong Kong often know very little about the products they are selling. Aside from the sales pitch, they typically can’t answer basic questions that a few minutes on the Internet would resolve.

    I suppose you’re more upset about the attitude, which I agree with you about.

    What options did they have? I suppose they could have said sorry, but also, there’s no way they were going to do an exchange for you if you live in a foreign country – especially on a cheaper item.

    Anyway, I’m glad at least one of your two items worked well.

  • Thank you for your reply. You are absolutely right, a genuine ‘sorry’ or ‘we’ll see what we can do’ would have meant a lot to me and made feel less of a consumer fool. I mean, I don’t make it a habit to return/ exchange goods and more so, if they are purchased from overseas but I just wanted to speak to someone from the company and see what they had to say on the matter. Let’s just say I was reviewing the customer service. In my case it was a resounding fail.

    I don’t think it was a language problem as I can speak Cantonese very well.

    You know, everyone else I have come in contact with in Hong Kong has been very professional and great so I don’t want to let this one experience with this company reflect badly upon the rest of Hong Kong. I personally think it’s a great country; one of the best in Asia and I love visiting. In fact, I really think the people do their jobs very well there. Even better than where I’m from.

    I just hope that anyone else who works in customer service the world over and who might be reading this considers that there are other ways of resolving customer issues. It isn’t just the monetary amount that matters to a customer. A nice, reasonable explanation about your store’s policies would have been a better way to placate a disappointed customer than getting defensive and hysterical.

    Anyway, thank you for letting me post here but I guess this is a lesson to all consumers. Beware of what you’re buying particularly in a foreign country.

    Fortunately, I’ve found out that Hong Kong actually has a Consumer Council to protect the rights and interests of all consumers (local and foreign) regarding purchases. Of course, it’s always nicer to talk to the business first and see what options are available.

  • The societal norms are different here for particular things. While some things are better, other things are worse.

    For example, not providing napkins in many restaurants is bizarre to people at first.

    It’s unfortunate, but when you live in Hong Kong, you begin to have lower expectations in certain areas that you’d take for granted elsewhere.

  • WOW, I am so supprise to read some very good comments from my customers.

    Actually the reason to make me leave a comment in this blog, it is because I wanna say “SORRY’ to the customer that we didn’t give them in good services.

    I’m also feel sorry to our co-worker “Lady” who comes with a bad attitude.

    Moreover, I haven’t heard about this case, so I am sorry that I can’t help you in the right time.

    But may be this time, you can tell me more about the scale, and let us see how we can do better in this accident happen .

    My “I Love Cake”, My “Goal” to run this store is “Service”
    We wish we can sell “GOODS” to our customer, but We are better to wish that we can Serve the “BEST” to our customers.

    May be we are not able to hit the “Best” yet, but I can tell we are getting up to our GOAL.

    Hope that you can forgive us, also please wait and see how will we get improved.

    Sorry once again to anyone who got any upset happens from US.

    Sorry People.

  • I’m living here in Europe but visiting to Hong Kong once a year. I will go there again in August and now starting to make a research where to get and buy baking supplies that i could bring back here. By looking at the comments it seems that i will enjoy shopping from the shop. Anyway, I’m looking forward to visit the shop soon!!! and i will write here if i really enjoy my shopping there. See you soon!!!!

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