“I’m going to get a slice!”



Back in early March we talked about how Hong Kong’s lack of decent pizza has been holding up the city’s reputation. For pizza lovers, especially former New Yorkers, being able to get a ‘slice’ is an important lifestyle issue. Thankfully, it appears we’ve turned a corner.

Paisano’s, which has had a branch in Sai Kung for years, has finally opened shop on Lyndhurst Terrace in Central. The pizzeria serves a large variety of pies, pastas, subs and salads. The place is more like a N.Y. pizzeria in offering pizza by the slice. Since its opening, about a month ago, Paisano’s has been packed!

A slice of Paisano’s pizza is indeed huge, even by New York standards. I’ve tried to photograph it, but it’s impossible to capture the scale.

One of my frequent complaints about pizza in Hong Kong is that it’s often not fulfilling. At many places it’s easy to eat a whole pizza yourself, and still not feel satisfied. In contrast, I’m stuffed after two slices of Paisano’s!


Paisano’s slices are drawn from a 24″ pizza. Slices start at $25 HKD for a regular cheese slice, and cost an extra $5 per topping. Pizzas come in 14″ ($90 HKD,) 16″ ($110 HKD,) and the massive 24″ ($180 HKD) sizes.

Since my first taste of Paisano’s, I’ve been back several times, and enjoyed a few different slices as well as the meatball hero.


Each time I stop by, I can see the owner working hard, fine-tuning the operation. This type of personal responsibility and attention is exactly what’s often lacking in Hong Kong’s formulaic ‘concept’ restaurant scene for foreign food.

Opening up a pizzeria is tough in Hong Kong’s high-rent landscape. I give the two new pizza-by-the-slice places (Paisano’s and NYPD,) credit for operating in a difficult environment. With prohibitively high rents, it’s hard to find a place in a decent location with seating. Paisano’s solves this by having a seating area downstairs. You might have missed it if you just walk past, but there’s a doorway towards the back that leads to a comfortable dining area including several tables.


This post isn’t about the best pizza is in Hong Kong, or about comparing the taste of Paisano’s to the pizza found in Italy or New York. Pizzas are like burgers – they can come in all different varieties, and it’s possible for many of them to be good simultaneously. We’re just happy to finally be able to get a slice in Central!


Paisano’s Pizza
9 Lyndhurst Terrace
Central, Hong Kong
Open from 11am to 11pm


  • I purposefully came on here just to tell you about this new amazing pizza place. But, unsurprisingly, you just beat me to it. Cos of Paisano’s, I’ve planned a super size pizza party with some friends. Fun pizza times finally!

  • Discovered this restaurant recently and the food is great. One novelty for Hong Kong is a stromboli, which I’ve only ever had a long time ago in New Jersey. It’s basically a big pizza rolled up (resembling a big sub sandwich), then cut in one-inch thick or so pieces. Was very good! Met the owner when we were there, who’s a very friendly and outgoing guy.

  • mister hustle. you might want to check the new york style pizza at pizzeria pubblico if you’re missing a slice of home. x

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