Happy holidays from Hong Kong Hustle!



Tuesday I was running errands related to the holidays. I headed up to Prince Edward and walked all the way down to Tsim Sha Tsui before heading back to Central. One thing I love about Hong Kong is the energy you feel just walking along the streets. Different neighborhoods have unique vibes. This sensation is amplified during the busy holiday season.

The photo above is taken on Sai Yeung Choi Street in Mongkok. On certain hours of the day the place is just buzzing with people. That’s Hong Kong to me. Every neighborhood has a point or points that personify it. It’s a combination of these places that make up the unique Hong Kong experience.

In our constant rush to get where we’re going, we pass by such places frequently, often taking them for granted. Over the holidays, take some time and think about which points of the city are the most “Hong Kong” to you. It could be crossing the street in front of Sogo in hectic Causeway Bay, or walking through Lan Kwai Fong on a busy Friday night, or something entirely different. Leave your choices in the comments to share them with other Hong Kong Hustle readers.

Wishing you all the very best this holiday season! (By the way, last year’s holiday message was pretty funny!)


  • My HK moment would be scanning all the shops in Silvercord and Kingston/Paterson St. in Causeway Bay and people watching on Haiphong Rd and Causeway Bay! Merry Christmas HK Hustle. Keep it up. I’m a big fan of your blog!

  • Visiting Hawkers & Stalls at any time of day or night, ordering food (along with a Duw Jeung/Ice Lemon Tea of course) at stupidly cheap prices. Aah, i miss it big time!

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