Ed Banger’s DJ Vicarious Bliss at Volar

dj vicarious bliss ed banger volar hk

Thursday night another member of the Ed Banger crew descended on Hong Kong’s club Volar. The producer / d.j. Vicarious Bliss, a label-mate of Justice, Uffie, and Busy P, played a mixture of Electro, Rock, and even some New Order, (which was fitting, since they were an early proponent of the mixture of these two musical styles). The packed club-side of Volar was moving despite a severe rainstorm earlier in the night and a few moments of technical difficulties.


Sporting a cool Ed Banger t-shirt, Vicarious Bliss won the crowd over with a string of remixes of the label’s major and minor songs.

There is a movement behind the Ed Banger record label and Volar has been on the forefront thanks to the musical taste of Ben, one of Volar’s owners. Volar has booked several of Ed Banger’s acts over the past year, putting the club, and Hong Kong, in a small circle of venues internationally.


For more information about the Ed Banger label, check out their MySpace page. To hear more of the music of Vicarious Bliss go here.

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