Nike Shop Opening featuring Michael Lau

What you lookin’ at?

The last few weeks have been packed with events. Nike had the opening of their flagship store in H.K.’s Central district last Friday night. The event included a large exhibition featuring 106 figures in toy designer Michael Lau’s Gardener collection.

The sign board at the entrance...

The array occupied an entire wall of the shop. For fans of Michael Lau, this is an incredible monument of his work. For those unfamiliar with his work, Michael Lau is the pioneer of Hong Kong’s figure making industry. His figures have excellent detail, and are full of attitude and personality. They are also a popular investment – due to their limited edition, their prices climb immediately after purchase. All of the characters were wearing Nike shoes, and in many cases, apparel.

Click to see a bigger version of the wall below:

A section of the huge wall of figures.

V.I.P. guests each received a unique, limited edition Michael Lau figure attached to a fat shoe lace, as soon as they walked in. The idea was for people to wear different figures as a necklace. It was cool, different and fun.


Drafus aka d.j. El Kabong played an excellent set!

The crowd was a mixture of local celebrities, figure industry people, Nike employees, and a few of the more creative party people. I took the opportunity to photograph two of my busiest friends – Min and Jimmy.

Min and Jimmy

At 1:06 am, Nike was releasing a new limited edition shoe, available to only the first 106 people on line. My friend told me that people were waiting in line for 5 days! The next day another friend saw a pair of the shoes on eBay for more than double the initial price.

The line for people waiting to buy the shoe!

Here are a few close-ups of the figures:

Casual Friday?

Note the natural pose and the folds in the pants!

A self-portrait of Michael Lau

Cool vest!

Again, an excellent pose.

So much attitude - check out the untied laces!

Last, but not least, the Nike waffles were a hit!

’Let go my eggo!’ anyone?

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