Samsung Dance Party at IFC Mall


Friday night I checked out a Samsung event that featured a b-boy dance performance and a special Beyonce set by D.J. Lazy Ming. Beyonce is part of a new Samsung ad campaign and a video of her was on rotation on the plasma screens sprinkled around the party.

The venue was the restaurant Cuisine Cuisine in the IFC mall. This is the same spot as the Shanghai Tang fashion show a few months ago. Cuisine Cuisine is a big space with high ceilings and two rooms. The Samsung event only used one and the place was packed! Check out the videos of the capacity crowd and the b-boy performance!


The organizer did a good job with decorating the space. The entire venue was covered in Samsung imagery. The hallway leading into the main room was redone in a slick theme evoking the lines of a new Samsung mobile phone.


The stage built for the night’s performance was located directly above the bar. The d.j. booth was also raised one story above the crowd.


At around eleven the b-boys took the stage and put on a five-minute show. Check out the video below for some of the highlights!

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