Dragon-i 5th anniversary feat. Boy George!


I can still remember the first night Dragon-i (more commonly known by the abbreviated ‘D.I.’) opened. It was packed with people and it felt as though a new era in Hong Kong nightlife had just begun. The energy, environment, and mixture of people was unlike anywhere else.

Before Dragon-i, Gilbert, and his partners in G-Spot, an event production company, held a weekly party at Pink Mao Mao in the Emperor Hotel in Happy Valley. People still reminisce about the Wednesday nights there! Gilbert, Gordon, and Jackson brought a top crowd and created a scene where foreign models mingled with Hong Kong’s nightlife royalty. This was right around the time when the city’s taste in music began to change. Pink Mao Mao played Hip Hop and R&B as opposed to House music. When Dragon-i opened, it brought this scene to the heart of Central, in a club with a world class design. Other nightspots, such as Kee Club, felt the effects of Dragon-i’s opening immediately.

Dragon-i was originally divided into two rooms, the V.I.P. area being where the dining room currently sits. That division was removed long ago, yet the club continues to attract visiting international superstars from all different industries. Although I don’t go to D.I. five nights a week as I once did (perhaps because of this damn blog,) the place has maintained its crowd, and remains Hong Kong’s top venue for international d.j.s. Without Dragon-i, and Gilbert’s love of music, Hong Kong nightlife just wouldn’t be where it is today.

For a look at Dragon-i’s third anniversary, check out my old post here.

What a better way to celebrate this year than with Boy George! Happy fifth anniversary Dragon-i! See you on Saturday!


  • Boy George has to appear in court in London on November 22nd on charges of false imprisonment “after allegedly chaining a male escort to a wall.” What are the odds he’ll be free to travel outside the country after that?

  • Hi Spike,

    Dragon-i actually sent out a humorous sms addressing that point yesterday: “Despite Boy George’s controversial court case in London, he will definitely be playing at Dragon-i this Saturday while being handcuffed, so do not approach him on that night 🙂 ”

    I don’t think he’ll be forced to submit his passport over something small like that. I don’t believe he’s a risk to flee the country, but I don’t know how the British legal system works. Anyway, I can always print up some “Free Boy George” T-shirts just in case!

  • Hey love the blog…… i have been going to hong kong for the past couple of years and really enjoy the nightlife. However i have never been to dragon i before. Is it a hard place to get into on friday/Saturday? and whats the music like?

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