Tranquility with a view: the roof garden atop IFC Mall


Question: Where do you go when you’re at IFC mall and you find yourself in one of these scenarios: you’re waiting for a friend to finish shopping at Lane Crawford; you’ve got time to kill before a movie; you want to have a snack and get some sun; you’re looking for a quiet, romantic place to sit at night.

Answer: the IFC roof garden!

In any big city you’ll find interesting spots slightly hidden that once discovered, add to your quality of life. Even if you only take advantage of it occasionally, the rooftop garden of IFC mall is one such find. Located on the fourth floor, it’s accessible from the bank of elevators near the entrance to City Super. From here, simply press ‘P4’ roof garden and head on up.


What’s up here? A large open space surrounded by sleek, modern architecture; several illuminated sculptures; one of the neighborhood’s few patches of grass; and plenty of seating offering either harbor-side views or a unique perspective of Central’s buildings from within the city.

[photopress:IFC_roof_nightscape.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:IFC_Mall_rooftop_side.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:IFC_roof_garden_grass_long.jpg,full,pp_image] [photopress:IFC_roof_garden_sculpture.jpg,full,pp_image]

Although there are several restaurant / bars positioned on the rooftop, you can just as easily grab take-away from Triple-O (one of Hong Kong’s best burger joints located nearby,) or a snack from City Super and enjoy it up here with equal ambiance.

The roof garden extends all the way to the foot of Hong Kong’s tallest building 2 IFC (more commonly referred to as IFC 2.)


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