Visiting the sleek new Page One bookstore in Harbour City is like stepping into the future. The sprawling two-story space includes galleries, shops, a cafe, and a restaurant all under one roof. Once inside, it’s easy to forget you’re actually in a shopping mall.
The top level is a masterpiece of modern interior design that stretches out for many times the length of a typical Hong Kong store. The massive space allows the customer to go on an exploration while browsing. PageOne has nearly ten distinct rooms, which each helps to coax the shopper deeper inside.
Although the space is a combination of different looks, there is a cohesiveness to it that makes it feel ultra-contemporary. This is no cookie-cutter bookstore chain, but a very original multi-use space.
The color scheme, reminiscent of mint chocolate-chip ice cream, is bright, friendly and makes for a high contrast space.
Beyond being a modern bookstore, the shop seeks to convert browsers to shoppers by carrying a wide range of lifestyle products.
Additionally, it provides spaces to sit and linger, or even snack. In planning a wide range of offerings they have succeeded in designing an environment that allows visitors to both stay longer and spend more.
The bookstore selections themselves are given a modern treatment, and include large sections devoted to popular subjects.
Local tastes are taken into consideration as well. For example, travel and design books receive greater shelf space due to their popularity in the city.
As far as interior design is concerned, the new Page One bookstore is far superior to most shops in Harbour City. Although bookstores in general may be declining, smartly wedding them with cafes and lifestyle accessories may be a successful strategy to keep them alive.
Page One bookstore Harbour City
Shop 3001A Level 3 and 4001, Level 4
Harbour City
7-27 Canton Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon